1. Scope of application
    1. These general conditions of purchase (hereinafter referred to as “General Conditions of Purchase“) apply to any contract of sale (“Contract“) concluded by Filtec s.r.l., with registered office in via del Laghetto, 140, 45021, Badia Polesine (RO), CF and VAT no. IT00982640294, as purchaser (“Filtec“), with any natural or legal person as supplier (“Supplier“). The Contract is understood to be concluded on receipt by the Supplier of Filtec’s Purchase Order (“Order“) unless the Supplier expressly declares not to accept it within 2 (two) days.
    2. The General Conditions of Purchase are understood to be received by the Supplier and therefore known and binding upon receipt of the Order that refers to them, even in the absence of a signature.
    3. The General Conditions of Purchase may be partially derogated only from what may be otherwise provided in the Order.
    4. The General Purchase Conditions shall in any case prevail over the Supplier’s terms and conditions of contract or other conditions.
    5. In the event of discrepancies between the General Conditions of Purchase in Italian and those translated into another language, the Italian version shall prevail.
  2. Contract Execution
    1. The Supplier undertakes to supply Filtec with the goods and services as provided by the Order (the “Goods“) as well as all the relevant documentation indicated therein, when requested and/or required by law (the “Documentation“).
    2. The Supplier undertakes to produce the Goods according to the technical and quality specifications described in the Order and/or in the supply specifications referred to and/or attached to the Order itself or, in any case, in compliance with the best and most recent technical specifications and standard industrial procedures. If any change to the technical specifications and standard procedures is necessary, the Supplier must inform Filtec before delivery and Filtec may, at its sole discretion, confirm or cancel the Order, without charging costs or expenses to Filtec.
    3. The Supplier undertakes to supply the Goods in accordance with Italian and EU regulations and in accordance with the regulations of any other country which is indicated by Filtec in the Order.
    4. The Supplier undertakes to supply the Documentation as requested in the Order and to produce it in the language(s) requested by Filtec in the Order.
    5. The Supplier is aware that the Goods and Documentation are intended for Filtec’s final customers (“Final Customers“).
    6. The Supplier declares that it is not in a situation of economic dependence on Filtec and that it is autonomous and independent from Filtec.
  3. Delivery Terms
    1. Unless otherwise described in the order, the delivery term in use is DDP Via del Laghetto, 140, 45021, Badia Polesine (RO); the Goods travel at the Supplier’s risk and expenses.
    2. All delivery terms indicated in the Order are essential. Partial deliveries can only be accepted with prior written consent.
    3. Delivery terms apply to both Goods and Documentation. Delivery shall be deemed to be completed with the delivery of both the Goods and the Documentation.
    4. The Supplier undertakes to promptly inform Filtec, in writing, if he expects a delay in the delivery of the Goods and/or Documentation, indicating: the expected extent of the delay, the reasons and the initiatives that will be adopted to limit the delay.
    5. In the event of non-delivery of the Goods, Filtec may, alternatively, decide to cancel the order or apply to the Supplier a penalty equal to 1% of the total value of the Order, for each week of delay, up to a maximum of 5% of the value of the Order, without prejudice to the right to compensate for greater damages.
    6. In the event of non-delivery of the Documentation, Filtec reserves the right to suspend its payment obligation within the terms set out in art. 4.2 below.
  4. Price and payment of the price
    1. From the date of the Order until its total fulfilment or termination, all the prices indicated in the Order (“Purchase Price“) are to be understood as fixed and binding for the Supplier, and cannot be modified even in the event of an increase in the cost of raw materials or semi-finished products or of production costs, taxes and other charges, for whatever reason, including force majeure.
    2. The terms of payment are set out in the Order, without prejudice in any case, even if not expressly specified in the Order or in any other agreement, to Filtec’s right to retain 10% of the Purchase Price until delivery of the Documentation.
    3. The date from which the Supplier shall be entitled to claim payment of the Purchase Price from Filtec in respect of any defects or non-conformities found by the purchaser in the Goods shall be deferred until the date on which the defects or non-conformities have been rectified. No further cost for the correction of defects and non-conformities shall be charged to Filtec without specific written acceptance of the quotation by Filtec.
    4. The Supplier is not permitted to assign claims to third parties without Filtec’s prior written consent.
  5. Warranty and liability
    1. The Supplier warrants for a period of 18 (eighteen) months from the delivery of the Goods to Filtec (“Warranty Period“) that all Goods conform to the characteristics, standards and specifications required in the same Order; that they have been manufactured in a workmanlike manner, are free from defects, faults in design, workmanship or materials; that they have been manufactured according to the models and drawings eventually delivered by Filtec; that they have been manufactured with the best working practices and/or with the latest techniques and technologies known to the Supplier; finally, that they are suitable for the purpose and the uses for which they are intended and that they are provided with all instructions and warnings. The Warranty Period also exempt Filtec from the 8-day period for reporting defects provided for by the Civil Code, so that such report may be made at any time provided that it is within the 18 months specified.
    2. If, during the Warranty Period, the Goods are found to be faulty or otherwise not in accordance with the provisions of art. 5.1 above, Filtec may, at its sole discretion, within two (2) months from discovery
      a. request the Supplier to replace and/or repair the defective or otherwise non-conforming parts;
      b. ask the Supplier for a proportional reduction in the Price;
      c. after having informed the Supplier in writing, personally take all appropriate actions to remedy the defects and non-conformities of the Goods, charging to the Supplier all costs and expenses, including those for the purchase of materials and for the working hours employed
      d. return the defective Goods to the Supplier, resulting in termination of the Contract and refund of the Price paid.
    3. Replacement parts delivered by the Supplier shall have the same Warranty Period as the original parts.
    4. The Supplier warrants that the Documentation is accurate and complete and properly prepared to ensure the use of the Goods. If the final customer of the Goods (“Final Customer“), even if unknown to the Supplier, finds that the Documentation is not exhaustive, at Filtec’s request, the Supplier undertakes to supplement it.
    5. The Supplier shall indemnify and hold Filtec harmless from any prejudice that Filtec may suffer from the supply of the Goods and Documentation. By way of example, the Supplier agrees to hold Filtec harmless and indemnified from the marketing of the Goods, including requests for compensation for damages made by the Supplier. The Supplier also agrees to indemnify and hold Filtec harmless from any claim by third parties within the delivery terms. The Supplier also undertakes to indemnify and hold Filtec harmless from any claim by third parties within the delivery terms of the Documentation. The Supplier assures and guarantees to have the ownership of the Goods and not to have violated, in the realization of the Goods and Documentation, any rights of third parties.
  6. Withdrawal
    1. Filtec has the right to revoke the Order at any time, giving the Supplier 7 (seven) days’ notice and negotiating with the Supplier for the reimbursement of any expenses incurred by the Supplier as a result of the revocation of the Order, which shall be considered as a settlement of any claim of the Supplier against Filtec. The quantification of such expenses shall be made in good faith, reasonably and on the basis of adequate supporting documents.
  7. Termination
    1. The contract will be terminated, prior to written notice by Filtec of the intention to recall this express termination clause, and in particular, without any cost being charged to Filtec:
      a. in the event of failure by the Supplier to fulfil any of its obligations under the General Conditions of Purchase or the Order;
      b. if bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings are brought against the Supplier.
  8. Prohibition of contract assignment and subcontracting
    1. The Supplier may not transfer the Order to third parties or delegate to third parties the production, in whole or in part, of the Goods, without the prior written consent of Filtec.
  9. Prohibition to directly contact Final Customers
    1. During the whole period of execution of the Contract and for 5 (five) years after the delivery, the Supplier will not be able to directly contact the Final Customers, nor will he be able to address directly to the Final Customers any kind of communication for any purpose, including advertising (for example: e-mail, newsletter, paper or digital leaflets, etc.).
  10. Prohibition to offer or sell the Goods directly to End Customers
    1. Unless expressly agreed in writing by Filtec, during the whole period of execution of the Contract and for 5 (five) years after delivery of the Goods and Documentation, the Supplier cannot offer or sell the Goods or carry out any other activity directly to the Final Customer, either directly or through an intermediary.
  11. Prohibition to offer or sell the Goods to Filtec’s competitors
    1. Unless expressly agreed in writing by Filtec, during the entire period of execution of the Contract and for 5 (five) years after delivery of the Goods and Documentation, the Supplier cannot offer or sell the Goods or carry out any other activity, on its own or through an intermediary, directly to Filtec’s competitors, to be intended as individuals or legal entities operating in the sector of design, production, installation, maintenance and repair of systems for the processing and cutting of plastic material.
  12. Applicability in case of contracting
    1. The General Conditions of Purchase apply even when the service requested by Filtec to the Supplier is a contract of tender ex art. 1655 s.s.c. instead of a contract of sale ex art. 1470 s.s.c.. In particular, the prohibition as per art. 8 of the General Conditions of Purchase must be considered a prohibition of subcontracting also for the contract of tender.
  13. Confidential Information
    • The Supplier undertakes to keep the following information received by Filtec (“Confidential Information“) private and confidential and therefore not to disclose it in any way until it becomes public knowledge and in any case for a period of not less than 2 (two) years from delivery of the Goods:
    • all information expressly defined by Filtec as confidential or proprietary;
    • all those relating to the terms of the Contract, such as, but not limited to, payment and delivery terms, any discounts, etc.; and
    • all those relating to the design of the Goods, such as, by way of example, technical drawings and operating parameters;
    • all those of a commercial nature related to Filtec’s activity, such as, for example, names of clients and other suppliers;
    • all those which, due to their nature and/or importance, must be considered confidential.
      1. Confidential Information does not include
      • those that are already in the public domain at the time of communication from Filtec to the Supplier or become public domain for reasons not attributable to the Supplier;
      • those that must be provided to third parties by law or by order of the Authority
  14. Prohibition of use of images of the Goods
    1. It is forbidden for the Supplier to reproduce in its website, social accounts, inserts, newspaper articles, magazines and advertising material of any kind, the images of the Goods, if produced and/or supplied expressly for Filtec and on the basis of Filtec’s drawings, as well as the name of Filtec or that of the Final Costumer to whom the Goods are destined
  15. Privacy Policy. Supplier’s Consent
    1. The Supplier expresses its consent to the processing of personal data, pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”), having read the specific information available in an extended version on Filtec’s website. The processing, storage, transmission of personal data is carried out with the observance of every precautionary measure, which guarantees their security and confidentiality, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, in order to be able to effectively fulfil the obligations provided for by the legal, civil and fiscal regulations related to Filtec’s economic activity, including the management of collections and payments arising from the execution of contracts.
  16. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
    1. The Contract is governed by Italian law and any dispute in any way dependent on it or connected to it will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rovigo, without prejudice to Filtec’s right to act at the court of the defendant.

In accordance with articles 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, the terms and conditions of articles 3.5 (penalty for late delivery), 4.4 (prohibition of credit assignment), 5 (warranty and liability), 6 (withdrawal), 9 (prohibition of direct contact with end customers), 10 (prohibition of offering or selling the Goods to End Customers), 11 (prohibition of offering or selling the Goods to Filtec’s competitors), 16 (applicable law and competent court) are expressly accepted.


  1. Scope of application
    • These general conditions of sale (hereinafter referred to as “General Conditions of Sale“) are applied to every contract of sale (“Contract“) concluded by Filtec s.r.l., with registered office in Via del Laghetto, 140, 45021, Badia Polesine (RO), CF and VAT no. IT00982640294 (“Filtec“), as seller, with any purchaser acting in the exercise of his entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity (“Client“). The Contract is understood to be concluded upon receipt of the acceptance of the offer of sale formulated by Filtec (“Offer“) by the Client (“Acceptance“) or upon Filtec’s acceptance of the Client’s order (“Order“) through order confirmation (“Order Confirmation“).
    • If the Acceptance is different, even partially, from the Offer, it will be valid as a new proposal; any Order Confirmation which differs from the Order will be treated as an Offer to be considered accepted by the Client unless it is expressly refused within 2 (two) days from its date of dispatch..
    • The General Conditions of Sale are understood to have been received by the Client and therefore known, accepted and binding at the conclusion of the Contract, even if not signed.
    • The General Conditions of Sale may be partially derogated only by what may be provided for in the Offer and/or in the Order Confirmation.
    • The General Conditions of Sale prevail in any case over the Client’s terms and conditions or other conditions, even if contained in the Acceptance and/or the Order.
    • In case of discrepancies between the General Conditions of Sale in Italian and those translated into another language, the Italian version shall prevail.


  1. Object of the Contract
    • The object of the Contract is the sale of the goods listed in the Offer and/or in the Order Confirmation referred to in Clause 1.1 (the “Plant“).


  1. Delivery terms
    • The Plant shall be delivered to the Client within the term agreed in the Offer and/or in the Order Confirmation, and the terms are in any case to be considered purely indicative and not binding.
    • The delivery term is EXW – FILTEC s.r.l., Italy, Badia Polesine (RO), Via del Laghetto, 140.
    • In case the Contract foresees that the shipment of the Plant is at Filtec’s charge, the costs related to the unloading of the Plant from the means of transport and to the assembling and installation will be charged to the Client.


  1. Price and Terms of Payment
    • The price of the Plant is the one indicated in the Offer and/or in the Order Confirmation.
    • The terms of payment shall be as stated in the Offer and/or the Order Confirmation.
    • All the conditions set forth in art. 7 below are subject to full payment of the price.


  1. Testing of the Plant
    • The Plant shall be deemed to have been purchased by the Client as seen and liked (AS IS), subject to the provisions of the warranties set forth in art. 7, and no testing shall be required for its acceptance.
    • Only if the Parties have provided for a testing of the conformity of the Plant with the Contract and the technical specifications (“Testing“) the following provisions shall apply.
    • The Testing shall be carried out at the Client’s premises or at another location, including a third party’s location, where the Plant is installed.
    • The Client or third parties indicated by the Client will be responsible for all the costs of any nature necessary for the Testing, including the necessary materials, the costs of Filtec’s personnel according to Filtec’s tariff in force at the time (which will be communicated when requested by the Client), the costs related to utilities.
    • The purpose of the Testing is to verify the compliance of the Plant with the Contract and the technical specifications.
    • Acceptance of the Testing shall be implied if the Client does not object to the outcome of the Testing or if the Client, for reasons for which the Client is responsible, does not perform the Acceptance within 30 (thirty) days after Delivery, or if the Plant is put, even partially, into production.
    • Should the Client notice any discrepancies between the Plant and what is foreseen in the Contract, a list of non-conformities shall be drawn up and signed by both Filtec and the Client. Filtec commits itself to remedy the detected discrepancies within the agreed time, inviting the Client to a second Testing, with the same modalities described in points 5.2 and 5.3 and in the present 5.7.


  1. Documentation
    • Upon delivery of the Plant, in accordance with the provisions of points 3.1. and 3.2., Filtec will also provide the Client with the following documentation (the “Documentation“):
      • 1 copy of the use and maintenance manual of the Plant in the language requested by the Client among Italian, English, French, Spanish and/or German including the spare parts list and the electrical diagrams.
      • 1 copy of the Declaration of Conformity or of the Declaration of partly completed machinery provided for by Directive 2006/42/EC, in the use and maintenance manual language.
    • Possible translations in other languages of the Documentation must be expressly requested to Filtec, which will provide a specific quotation for such further activity.


  1. Guarantees
    • Filtec warrants that the Plant is free from defects which make it unfit for use or which diminish its value for a period of 1 (one) year from delivery of the Plant (“Warranty Period“). In the event of failure to collect the Plant for reasons not attributable to Filtec, the Client’s right to the Warranty Period shall expire one (1) year after notification of the Plant ready for collection.
    • The warranty referred to in the previous point covers the manufacturing defects of the Plant and the deviations from the characteristics and technical qualities agreed with the Client in the Offer. It does not cover normal wear and tear of the Plant, electrical parts, Plants modified by the Client in any way, improper, negligent, or careless installation and/or use and/or maintenance or not in compliance with the provisions of the Use and Maintenance Manual of the Plant as per point 6.1.
    • During the Warranty Period, the Client shall report the defects and/or nonconformities of the Plant, as described in paragraph 7.2 above, within 8 (eight) days from discovery, by sending a specific complaint, in Italian, to the following address indicating: the date of purchase of the Plant and the relevant invoice, the Client’s name, telephone number and e-mail address, the serial number of the Plant and a detailed description of the defect and/or nonconformity, accompanied by photographic documentation.
    • In the event that Filtec considers the fault and/or defect to be present and covered by the warranty, Filtec will repair the defective materials or components at their own expense and/or replace them. In the event that the repair is not possible or is excessively costly, Filtec may, at its sole discretion, replace the Plant with another Plant having the same characteristics and quality as those in the Offer.
    • The execution of repair, replacement and maintenance operations on the Plant, carried out by subjects other than Filtec, is subject to the following conditions automatically invalidates the Client’s warranty under this article.
    • The cost of the man-hour for the interventions mentioned in point 7.4 will be at Filtec’s charge, while the cost of the hours of travel, board and lodging will be at the Client’s charge according to Filtec’s tariff in force at the time, which will be communicated when requested by the Client.


  1. Limitation of liability
    • The Client accepts that Filtec shall not be liable under any circumstances for any damages from production stoppages and/or replacements, loss of profit, inability to use, loss of contracts and/or for any other direct or indirect damages of any kind and that, should Filtec be found liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the Plant, such damages shall be limited in amount to the maximum of the Plant Price.


  1. Confidential Information
    • The Client undertakes to keep the following information received from Filtec (“Confidential Information“) private and confidential and therefore not to disclose it in any way until it becomes public knowledge and in any case for a period of not less than 2 (two) years from the acceptance of the Plant:
  • all information expressly defined by Filtec as private or confidential;
  • all those related to the terms of the contract, such as, for example, payment and delivery terms, possible discounts, etc.;
  • all those relating to the design of the Plant, such as, by way of example, technical drawings and operating parameters;
  • all those of a commercial nature related to Filtec’s activity, such as, for example, names of clients and suppliers;
  • all those which, due to their nature and/or importance, must be considered confidential.
    • Confidential Information does not include
  • those that are already in the public domain at the moment of communication from Filtec to the Client or that become in the public domain for reasons not attributable to the Client;
  • those that must be provided to third parties by law or by order of the Authority.


  1. Prohibition to contact Filtec’s suppliers.
    • Unless expressly agreed in writing by Filtec, throughout the period of execution of the Contract and for 5 (five) years following delivery of the Plant, the Client will not be able to directly contact Filtec’s Suppliers.


  1. Images of the Plant and trademarks of the Client
    • The Client expressly authorizes Filtec to capture images of the Plant, in photograph or video, both during the design and production activities and during assembly and installation, and to reproduce for information, advertising, promotional and marketing purposes such images, on any paper or digital support, by way of example but not limited to: website, social networks, brochures and catalogues.
    • The Client expressly authorizes Filtec to use and reproduce its trademark in association with the images of the Plant for the purposes mentioned in the previous point and/or to acknowledge the realization of the Plant.


  1. Applicability in case of contract
    • The General Conditions of Sale will be applied even when the service requested by the Client to Filtec is a contract of tender according to art. 1655 s.s. c.c.. instead of a contract of sale according to art. 1470 s.s. c. c.


  1. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
    • The Contract is governed by Italian law and any dispute in any way connected to the Contract shall be referred to the competence of the Court of Rovigo, without prejudice to Filtec’s right to act at the defendant’s court.


  1. Privacy Policy. Consent of the Client
    • The Client expresses consent to the processing of personal data, pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”), having read the specific information available in an extended version (online on Filtec’s website at the link The processing, storage, transmission of personal data is carried out with the observance of all precautionary measures, which guarantee their security and confidentiality, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, in order to be able to effectively fulfil the obligations provided for by legal, civil and fiscal regulations related to the economic activity of Filtec, including the management of collections and payments arising from the execution of contracts. In accordance with articles 1341 and 1342, c.c., and having read them carefully, the conditions of articles: 7 (Guarantees and, in particular), 8 (Limitation of Liability), 12 (Applicable Law and Competent Court) are expressly accepted.



Filtec S.R.L. — VAT No. 00982640294, with Registered Office in Via del Laghetto 140, Badia Polesine 45021, Rovigo, Italy, email address — as Data Controller within the meaning of the above-mentioned regulation, informs you that data processing will be based on the principals of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and rights.


Therefore, within the meaning of article 13 of the GDPR 2016/679, we inform you that: personal data (name, surname, document numbers, telephone, email address, etc.) will be requested at the time of the registration, based on the type of association requested.

As Data Controller, Filtec S.R.L. informs you of your rights and how your data will be used, to allow you to provide your conscious consent, when required, to exercise the rights recognised by the GDPR.


Your personal data (provided by you, by third parties or, within the limits set by the law, taken from public records) may be used for the following purposes:

☑ Management    ☑ Information and consent

Personal data may be processed without your express consent (article 6, letter b) and e) of the GDPR), for the following Business purposes:

  • to conclude a contract for the services of the Data Controller;
  • to comply with pre-contract, contract and tax obligations relating to the relationship with you;
  • to comply with obligations set by laws, regulations, EU legislation or orders issued by authorities (for example, anti-money laundering regulations) and tax laws;
  • exercise the Data Controller’s right of defence in court;
  • for the performance of a contract to which you are a party, or in order to take steps at your request, including using means of remote communication, prior to entering into a contract.

Prior obtaining your specific and separate consent (article 7 GDPR), for the following Marketing purposes:

  • direct marketing: to send you emails, letters and/or sms and/or telephone calls, newsletters, commercial communications and/or advertising material regarding products and services offered by the Data Controller and customer satisfaction surveys;
  • indirect marketing: to send you emails, letters and/or sms and/or telephone calls, commercial communications and/or offers from third parties (for example, business partners and/or other companies part of the group).

Cookies – Filtec S.R.L. informs you that cookies may be sent to your computer when you access the websites, as described in the methods of use available on the relevant pages of the websites.

Finally, your data may be transferred to third parties for the purposes indicated by the Data Controller.


Your data are processed using the methods set in article 4 of the GDPR. Specifically:

☑ Registration     ☑ Destruction

Your personal data are processed in paper, electronic and/or automated format. Filtec S.R.L. has adopted technical and operational measures to prevent and limit the risk of data breaching. The Data Controller will process your personal data for the time necessary to comply with the above-mentioned purposes and in any case for no longer than 10 years after the end of the relationship for Business purposes, and for no longer than 2 years, for Marketing purposes.


The following categories may have access to your data for the purposes in article 2. A) and 2. B) herein:

  • employees and collaborators of the Data Controller and of the companies in their capacity as data controllers;
  • third-party companies or other subjects (including but not limited to, credit institutions, private professional practices, consultants, service providers) outsourced by the Data Controller, in their capacity as data controllers.


Without your express consent (article 6 letters b) and c) of the GDPR), the Data Controller may communicate your personal data for the purposes in article 2. A) herein, to supervision organs, judicial authorities and any subjects to whom communication is required by law for the above-mentioned purposes.

Said subjects will process the data in their capacity as autonomous data controllers. Your data will not be divulged.

Your data may be used for profiling purposes, i.e. it may be collected and aggregated with the purpose of making appropriate commercial decisions or to analyse and predict your personal preferences, behaviour and dispositions, for commercial purposes. Processing your data for profiling purposes requires your consent. Failure to provide consent does not affect the normal development of the relationship for which your data are processed.


Personal data are stored on servers located within the European Union. However, if necessary, the Data Controller may transfer the data to countries outside the European Union. In this case, the Data Controller hereby assures that the transfer will comply with the applicable laws, following the stipulation of the clauses required by the European Union.

GDPR Compliance



The data required for the purposes in point A are mandatory. Without said data, we will not be able to guarantee the Services. The data required for the purposes in point B are optional. Therefore, you can decide not to provide your data, or revoke your consent to use the data already provided: in this case, you will not receive commercial communications sent remotely regarding the services offered by the Data Controller. However, you will still have the right to receive the Services in point A. Any personal data that does not have to be stored to comply with legal obligations will be deleted within 24 months.


You may, at any time, exercise the following rights expressly recognised by the GDPR:

  • You have the right, at any time, to complain to the national authority (Data Protection Authority) if you believe that your rights have been violated;
  • You have the right, at any time, to request that your personal data are amended or updated, to ensure your data are always correct;
  • You have the right to revoke your consent to the processing of your data, unless precluded from doing so by laws or by the need to safeguard the right to defence of the Data Controller. In any case, the request to revoke includes the right to limit the purposes for which the data may be processed.
  • You have the right to access your data by sending a request in writing, including in electronic format. You must provide proof of identity, which may include accessing our databases using your unique personal credentials. You have the right to access your data for free only once; you may be asked to cover any expenses if you request to access your data more than once. You have the right to obtain an answer within 30 days from your request. You have the right to obtain your data in a printable format.
  • You have the right to request the correction and update of your data at any time, if the data in our possession is incorrect or out of date. To ensure your data are up to date, we ask you to inform us when amendments are required.
  • You have the right to request the cancellation of your data, except for data that the Data Controller is required to retain to comply with legal obligations, for example, tax obligations, anti-money laundering regulations, or to safeguard the Data Controller’s right to defence.
  • If you believe your data are incorrect, or that the processing violates your rights, or you dispute the Data Controller’s right to delete your data, or you object to the processing of the data and the Data Controller objects to your objection, you have the right to obtain that your data are retained but only used for the purpose of resolving the dispute concerning them.
  • If the Data Controller amends or deletes all or pad of your data, you have the right to be informed and object to the deletion or amendments.
  • You have the right to transfer your data — if stored using electronic methods — to another operator, within the limits set by the GDPR, in a format that is easy to read and acquire. Browsing data, acquired by automatically observing your activity using the Data Controller’s electronic services, such as search and history logs, are included among the data covered by the right to data portability.
  • You have the right to object to the processing of your data, to proliferation and use for direct marketing purposes, to proliferation for purposes of public interest or for scientific or historical research or statistical purposes.
  • Filtec S.R.L. may set the criteria and adopt automated procedures to make decisions concerning you and, specifically, decide which conditions to apply to contracts with you, or to contracts with you agreed via third parties. In these cases, before making a binding decision, you have the right to request that your position is assessed and evaluated by a human operator.
  • In certain circumstances, Filtec S.R.L. may process your data to communicate with you and make you aware of commercial, informative or training initiatives. In this case, your consent must be explicit and separate from other forms of consent and you may revoke your consent for this purpose at any time.
  • You have the right to be consulted with regard to the security procedures for the processing and protection of your data.


You may exercise your rights by contacting the Data Controller in writing at the address or email address provided above or, if applicable, autonomously via the personal area available electronically by entering your unique credentials.

The up-to-date list of the subjects responsible or in charge of the processing is held by the Data Controller on its premises.